igual que tú

Nombre: Twins (del inglés "gemelos")
Slogan: Igual que tú

El diario se denomino así, ya que, queremos infundir seguridad a nuestros lectores, puesto que, somos iguales a ellos y vemos las noticias desde distintos puntos de vista, porque, existe diversidad de opiniones y de posturas.
Va dirigido a todo tipo de lectores, ya que, utiliza un lenguaje simple, pero culto, incluye juegos y actividades para todo tipo de personas.
La línea editorial del diario Twins es nacionalista.
Es un diario muy completo, preciso y conciso.

¡Vive la experiencia y que no te lo cuenten!

viernes, 6 de junio de 2008

Inglés/Fresia Aguilar/Marcela Santana

Gloria Vergara Wicks


She is a 73 year old lady, who studied odontology at Universidad de Chile. Today she lives in Santiago and she is an outsanding woman, because she did a lot of trips through her life.

What place in the world did you visit?

I have been into Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, USA, Australia, England, Scotland, Netherlands Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Canada, Mexico, India and Japan.

How old were you, when you travelled for the first time?
I travelled the first time at the age of 28.

Did you do it alone?
No, I went with my husband.

Did you leave somebody here? Who?
A that moment I didn’t have children, so I left my parents here.

Do you like collecting anything, when you travel?

Yes, I like to collet things from other countries like small eagle owls.

Did you visit a place more than once?

Yes, I’ve been six times to Argentina, twice to Brazil, twice to Perú, four times to USA, three times to England, twice to Sweden and twice to Mexico.

Would you like to visit any of these places again?
Yes, I would love visiting Scotland, because I lived there beautiful and new experiences and also learnt new things.

What other country would you like to visit?
I would like to visit Greece, because I think it is a country where you can learn a lot and its infrastructure beautiful.

What is the country that you most liked?
The country which I most liked is India, because it has a beautiful philosophical life and nice palaces that I will always remember.

Did you live in any of the countries that you visited?

Yes, I established in Scotland for two years, because my husband won a scholarship.

What have you learnt from all the trips you’ve done?
I learnt new languages and customs different from ours I’ve also grown , and mature through different circunstances and at last I’ve learnt to value our country.

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